Natural Hurrr!!! My Journey so Far!

G'day mates! Like I promised in the last post, this week's post is all about my natural hair journey! From relaxed to currently mid-back length! So let's begin with my background (genes etc).


MOM: Half indian (dad), Half black (mom)
DAD: Black (with white somewhere in his history... his grandfather I think?)

Why and when did I begin relaxing my hair?

Welp... I have always been tenderheaded, in that I have sensitivity in my scalp whenever other people than myself combs my hair (this is still the case). So, at the tween age of 10, and upon entering secondary (high) school, I convinced my mom to let me get a relaxer since she "wont have time to comb my hair every week" (like I was going to be SO busy). Anywho, she said ok and then my aunt relaxed it with an at home relaxer, I believe by the "Motions" brand.

I have always had good length hair, even with a relaxer, but I never knew the "proper" way to take care of it. I never deep conditioned, or did hot oil treatments, steaming, NADA. So, eventually my hair began to get thin and limp, lifeless really.
Hair was long but limp

After Grad fete, July 2009 hair was cut and colored black (by me ofcourse)

As a result, in 2010 I began researching about ways to take care of relaxed hair, and I was ecstatic to come across so many helpful videos and tutorials on non other but YouTube! (At this point I had cut my hair to shoulder length) Man, was I happy! Anyways, I started watching many of "ulovemegz"'s videos on how to stretch your relaxer (i.e not relaxing your hair over a long period of time) and decided that I would stretch my relaxer for 6 months, then relax it in order to gain length and thickness.

4 months into my "stretching" period, while deep conditioning, I noticed my little curls popping out and looking so cute! Mannnnn, I tell you, at this discovery I began to become super confused because I was falling in love with my little natural curls! To relax, or not to relax?? OH MAN this was a dilemma (not really but really).

Long story short, my cousin, who was transitioning (from relaxed to natural) at the time convinced me to keep growing out my curly hair, and that I did! 9 months into my transition, on December 10th, 2010 I did the BIG CHOP!

Here's a timeline of hair progress over the last 3 years:

Pic captions kinda explains itself doncha think? :)

Forgive the messy background

And as of 2 weeks ago:

So that's about it for length progress! Hope you enjoyed!

Until next post ♥


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